Putting the organization's objectives into action

Defining a team objective is not necessarily a top-down process!
More stimulating: involve the team in the establishment of a shared objective which expresses concretely the company's orientation. How to step back so that the team can chart a course that is meaningful for themselves and for the whole organization?
Clarify your own vision
We know what has to be done. But do we always know the reason why? And most importantly, do we reflect on the ideal which would be thus served? These reflections may constitute a preliminary stage, for the manager, before defining the team's goal.
It means asking what is the team's essential vocation, its reasons for being and for continuing on.       
Involving the team vs monopolizing the thought process
How do we translate the company's orientation into a team objective? Where do we want to get to?
The team members are the ones best positioned to respond to this question.
So you could:
- Have your co-workers work together to produce ideas for objectives which will serve as a starting point
- Or co-create the objective on the basis of a guiding idea.
The goal: have the team take the lead and offer support, play the role of facilitator.
Define together the indicators of success and how they will be tracked
Deciding that we want to do "better" is not enough: What does "better" mean? How would we know that we have reached "better"?
=> Define, together with the team, metrics to track results: indicators that are genuinely useful and that everyone can follow.
What remains is to determine how often and in what way progress toward the objective will be. 

Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!

1 / 3   A collective objective for the first time
For the first time, you decide to involve the team in the definition of a collective objective and organise a meeting. How do you proceed?
During a meeting, you display a list of all the dysfunctions that you have noticed and ask the team to vote for one of them as an area for improvement.
The team may only see criticism. There is a risk the debate will turn into a justification session.
You launch the debate "which common objective will we be proud to have achieved at the end of the year?"
Yes, you involve the team in the definition of the objective and try to find what will make sense to them.
You prepare an introduction illustrating numerous examples to explain the importance of a common objective: economical, human and relational advantages...
Pointless debating at the beginning of the meeting. Best ensure their participation.
I have a common objective to propose and I would like your opinion.
Shame! You already give your opinion and this risks limiting the team’s participation.
2 / 3   Pertinent objective?
Here is the objective constructed together with the team to make progress in reactivity. Which, in your opinion, is the best objective?
Setting up a system of treating demands in real time.
This is not an objective but a means. 
Improvement of our reactivity: no more customer complaints.
Zero complaints is a good indicator, but the notion of improvement is not precise.
Dealing with 100% of priority demands within 48 hours with a weekly follow up to make sure there are “zero customer reminders".
Yes, clear objective! Check that everyone agrees with what is considered a priority claim and make sure of regular follow up.
3 / 3   Little enthusiasm for the common objective
You notice a lack of enthusiasm by the team for the common quality service objective. What do you say to them?
I get the impression you are not very motivated. Yet, this is an important objective for us. It will allow us to...
Pointless arguing further if you don' know what is holding the team back.  
I am aware that this seems difficult to achieve. But I’m there to support you and give you the means necessary to reach the objective.
Premature: you don't know what the problem is.
Come on, a bit of enthusiasm, we are nearly there and we’ll be proud of our achievement!
Too early: best ask why the team is reticent.
I wonder whether this objective is really stimulating for you. What do you think the obstacles are?
Yes, best get straight to what is most important and find out what seems to be the problem.  
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