Developing the collaborative instinct

Working in collaboration is sometimes seen as a fad, and epiphenomenon resulting from digitalization. However, it is also a natural way of functioning in numerous situations (collaborating to overcome difficulties). How can the manager turn this into a mechanism to improve performance and the quality of life in the workplace?
Give meaning to the collaborative approach
Working collaboratively is not only a way of communicating and organizing ourselves, it is a state of mind: we share in order to create value that would not exist otherwise. At its foundation is the premise that the results of shared reflection are more significant for the organization than those of individual reflection. An initial step to communicate this philosophy: discussing it with the team, identifying the ways in which it "speaks" to them, exchanging views on concrete examples... so as to lead each member into considering collaboration from a constructive viewpoint.       
Fight against taking the easy way out
An obstacle to collaboration and cross-functionality: the temptation of taking the easy way out. Faced with a question or a problem, it is often most natural, to save time and stay on familiar ground, to turn to our habitual sources... our "safe bets".
We deprive ourselves in this way of the viewpoints and ideas which are not within our lines of questioning but alongside them, on the margins and therefore potential sources of creative inspiration.       
Undertake concrete actions
Moving outside one's habitual network is not so easy. There is also a need to create and to stimulate favorable conditions by initiating experiments that the team supports (cf. Coach's Corner): inter-departmental working groups, workshops to exchange practices, involving co-workers or partners who have until now been far removed from our problems, etc. The watchword is: "let's open up our team toward the outside and observe what happens!"       
Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!
1 / 3   What is a learning company?
According to the researcher Peter Senge, within the learning company, each person contributes towards the progression of the company. By which means?
By exercising “zero” tolerance of errors, by driving each person to be rigorous with themselves and with the others.
On the contrary! Errors are something we can learn from and these experiences can be shared within work groups, forums. We use them to learn collectively.
By pushing someone to improve in his job and becoming an expert.
Each one effectively develops his expertise while opening up to other horizons, disciplines. Collaborators from different professions work together.
By sharing with others (not simply close colleagues) our methods, ideas, questions, errors, propositions.
Yes, in a learning company, we exchange as much as possible , using cross-collaboration. Each individual describes what they do, how they do it, what they obtain, they share what they have explored, their vision of the present and of the future.
2 / 3   A difficult step towards transversality.
You have explained the virtues of transversality many times to your collaborators. An action plan has been defined (inter-departmental meetings, open days...). But you see no progress in the working methods, still as fragmented as ever. What do you do?
You know full well: it’s the work of the eternal resistance to change! You must continue to spread the good word...
Resistance to change is simply a consequence and not a fatality. Pointless continuing along the same lines if we don’t know what’s holding back progress. This could even worsen the situation.
You get the team together for an update: “We defined an action plan... But nothing’s changed in your working methods; you never get out of the open space... We are giving out a bad impression, we must start applying ourselves!”
There is a risk that this approach won’t serve much purpose: we point out that things are not right without suggesting an analysis of the situation. This is giving orders; far from collaboration
You get your team together:”What are all the factors that are preventing us from implementing our action plan?”
Constructive approach which will expose the sticking points (no reason to leave the department, risk of losing identity, not being able to control...) and will enable us to find solutions
You become more forceful:”Implementing the action plan we defined is an obligation, not an option”
It would be best in the first instance to find out what’s blocking, then, together, you can define the follow up method for any actions.
3 / 3   A waste of time
David, one of your most creative collaborators, thinks that sharing ideas on the internal social network is a waste of time as no one either consults or comments on the posts”  After a discussion with him, how do you state your case?
It always takes time for something new to be adapted. It’ll come
You’re right, but there's a risk this won’t motivate David.
With contributors such as yourself, who democratise the use, this could evolve really quickly. You could publish vary small posts and we can follow the audience over the next three months. What do you think?
Yes, suggesting a contribution which is not too time-consuming is a way of listening to David’s apprehension. And the follow up could show him there is good reason to invest?
If everyone reacted in the same way as you, then nothing would move forward.
Perhaps, but this isn’t a very stimulating argument.
It would be a shame if you didn’t participate; you have a lot to offer your colleagues.
Sure, but David doesn’t want to engage needlessly.
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