The annual evaluation : Reviewing goals reached and missed

What is the most important thing in the annual evaluation? "To make an assessment and to identify what can be improved," some would say! Perhaps, but not only that. For it is also the moment when we discuss things that we don't often bring up (for lack of preparation, or of time, or of necessity...), when we enlarge the scope of reflection, when we make commitments.
Be prepared to back up your assessment
It's a question of bringing real "added value," solid material for reflection that goes beyond everyday conversation: What did your co-worker succeed in? What qualities or skills did he demonstrate? What obstacles did he overcome? What goal did he not reach? Why? What would he have needed, in order to succeed? What things seem to give him difficulty?...       
Invite reflection
Who knows better than the co-worker himself how to say what he suceeded or failed in doing? It is worthwhile then to hear his perception, his analysis so as to be able to see the objectives from his viewpoint. You can then discuss the points on which your views are in agreement or divergenvce.
Of course, in order for this step to be constructive, the goals must already have been rigorously defined.       
Look toward the future
The review of goals reached and missed is one step in the assessment. It allows you to come to agreement on what needs to be continued, adjusted, developed. In the end it has no use other than the insights it gives into how to succeed in the coming year.       
Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!
1 / 3   Objective reached!
Justine has reached the first objective you fixed her. She explains why she believed she succeeded. What do you say to her?
So you've succeeded in reaching the objective, well done! How could you have done more?
This question risks being taken badly. It plays down Justine's achievement and it sounds like "you could have done better".
I, like you, consider you have reached your objective. You've done very well. What is notable for you in this achievement?
The question gives Justine confidence and allows her to share her experience. She sees the interest that you have in her performance. 
Indeed, you have reached this objective. On the other end, the objective afterwards was more difficult.
Why move on so quickly from the positive? This gives your collaborator the impression that you are only focused on the negative.
I wonder whether this objective was ambitious enough for you...
You undermine Justine's achievement. If you think that she has more potential, it's in the next objective you can express it.
2 / 3   Objective not met...
Jamel hasn't achieved one of his objectives. Among the following questions, what is, according to you, the most useful for him to reflect on? 
What was missing that prevented you from achieving this objective?
The question doesn't sufficiently focus on the action (or non action) of the collaborator. It invites him to find reasons for the failure which are not his fault.
Why didn't you alert me of the difficulties you were having?
To raise later, when Jamel has outlined his vision of things. At this stage, the question will lead him to justifying himself, which distances you from the goal.
Are you aware of why you didn't achieve this objective?
The question forces Jamel to prioritise the different possible reasons. Then, it could be useful to ask him what he could have acted on and what was out of his hands.
Do you understand what the consequences of not achieving this objective are?
The subject on consequences could be interesting but at another time and in a conversational mode: "in your opinion, what are the consequences?"
3 / 3   Introduction
To approach the subject of objective achievements, what is, in your opinion, the best manner?
Giving your opinion and asking what your collaborator thinks.
It would be best that your collaborator give his opinion first then you can give yours. This way, you can adapt your message. 
Ask your collaborator what he thinks of the objectives that have been set.
Too late! If he says that they were unsuitable, there won't be much you can do about it.  
Ask your collaborator for his feedback, then reply giving yours.
Yes, this is a good way to open the dialogue starting with your collaborator's point of view.
Your score is
You finished!
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