Handling a difficult objection

Can an objection hurt our image, make us lose face? That's what we fear sometimes, in any case. What if someone traps us with a remark, a counter-argument, a question that demolishes our entire logical edifice?! While actually little is needed, in order to advance serenely through hostile territory!

Recognize the opposing point of view
The most common mistake when we try to convince someone: wanting to convince them immediately! And therefore sweeping off the table any reluctance or objection, as though we saw these just as obstacles to be eliminated. The opposite approach is actually more effective: take the objection as a springboard. For by expressing an objection, our interlocutor is generally indicating what is important to him: he is showing us the way.
Grasp the heart of the objection
The initial presentation of an objection does not always get to the heart of the matter. It is sometimes an introduction to a more important message, which we must discover: What is your co-worker afraid of? What is essential for him? Seen in this way, "I don't have the time" sometimes means "I don't feel qualified" or "I don't think I should have to..." etc. By asking questions we can generally bring our interlocutor's main preoccupation to the surface and discern the most effective way to respond.
He who presents an objection also presents a need: for his interests, expectations and constraints to be taken into account. It is thus also essential, before trying to be heard, to reassure your interlocutor and to demonstrate your attention toward that which is important to him. We sometimes see this initial stage as a waste of time, while it is on the contrary an obligatory step in the process of dialogue.
Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!
1 / 3   What’s the point ?
Maxence doesn’t agree with the new organisation set up and tells you “yet again, we are going to give ourselves more work for nothing". How do you reply to this ?
You cannot say that it is for nothing. On the contrary, this set up will enable us to manage...
There is a risk that giving your opinion straight away, without listening to his objection, may lead to Maxence freezing up.
At the beginning, we don't like change because we are used to working in a certain way, but then, we adapt...
Maxence may hear "you don' want to change! " and close up.
Sure, we will have new tasks to fulfil. What, in your opinion, will be pointless?
You recognise the problem and encourage Maxence to explain his fears, you can then adapt your response.
Perhaps, but this is a management decision!
You give the impression you have nothing to do with the decision which will reinforce Maxence frustration.
2 / 3   Rule for dealing with an objection
What is the first reaction to have when faced with an objection?
Immediately put forward a detailed argument.
Your interlocutor won't listen to you.
Immediately put forward a concise argument.
OK for a short message but once you have shown that you have understood the objection.
Reformulate or interrogate to well determine the objection.
Yes, you calm the situation by showing attention and gather information which will enable you to reply 
Say nothing and wait for the interlocutor to tell you more.
Silence is necessary but only for a few seconds. If your interlocutor doesn't follow up, you will have to respond.
3 / 3   Management veto ?
You present an idea during an inter-departmental meeting and your colleagues say “it will never be accepted by management!" What do you reply?
We simply need to anticipate so we can argue our case.
You downplay the objection.
There’s a risk! What might these objections be?
Yes, a necessary question which will enable you to establish your position and open a discussion. 
Not sure! Management is quite open to new ideas; you just need to know how to present them.
You ignore your colleagues’ concerns.
OK but we can still try!
You almost seem resigned to defeat.
Your score is
You finished!
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