Deciding under pressure

Deciding under external pressure, is that really deciding? Or is it just to submit to the choices of others? This is really the problem: how to rapidly take into account the constraints of the context without losing our freedom to decide.
Accept that you always have a choice
We do not always have the choice we would like, but we do always have at least one that allows us to take a position with respect to the alternative. "Yes or no." "Yes under this condition or no under that other condition." It is not the absence of a choice that is a problem, but rather our fear that our choices will have consequences that we won't know how to face. And when those around us perceive that we have not staked out a position to defend... they occupy the terrain that we have left open.
Clearly define the possible options (even the "bad ones")  
By establishing the different options that are possible or not possible, we do not yet make a decision but we formalize the various ways forward and their potential consequences. We thus become able to explain them to our pressing interlocutors (who thereby understand that we have the situation in hand) and also, generally, to take a position. For the issue is not to take the best possible decision but to take a position and to know why.
And one approach to follow: talk about what is possible, even if you haven't deicided yet!     
Ask for their confidence
Even under pressure, you have the right to ask for time to think, to analyze, to discuss together! And for that, you also have the right - the duty? - to demand the confidence of those around you: "I know what I'm doing", "I have good reasons to..." If this confidence is lacking, then it becomes the principle issue to deal with.       
Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!
1 / 3   Urgent!
Johanna asks you to intervene urgently: "Tom has asked me to treat his demand as a priority. It’s not possible. You need to call him right away". What do you reply to this?
Ok, we will call him together.
It would be best to spend a few minutes analysing the situation.
But we must deal with Tom's request; you’ll have to put everything else on hold!
Johanna has influenced you with her stress and you immediately respond without thinking about it.
Let's take a few minutes before replying to Tom. What exactly does he want, and why is it so urgent?
Yes, it is essential to calmly analyse the situation.
It is not Tom's job to dictate your priorities and you must tell him.
This is exactly what Johanna isn’t capable of doing; your remark doesn't help her. 
2 / 3   Taking 24 hours to reflect
You announce to your team that you are not going to make a decision before taking 24 hours to reflect. The team reproaches you "but we are wasting time!" What do you reply to this? 
24 hours is not going to change anything!
You reject their remark playing down the problem in question.
A bad decision would make us lose even more time. I assume responsibility for any possible consequences because of this 24-hour delay.
You affirm your position without giving in to the pressure.
Possibly, but don't you think the risk of taking a bad decision is even greater?
If you are convinced that it is too early to take a decision, best affirm your position.
I understand your worry but I assure you, we will manage!
Not sure the team will buy into sounds like "remain positive at all times"!
3 / 3   Keeping pressure at bay
What impact does an urgent decision have on the team?
You give the impression of being a responsive manager. 
Maybe from time to time, but over time, it will give the impression you never decide anything beforehand.
You show that efficiency is a priority.
Not really, while deciding urgently, we don't control the situation.
You lose credibility.
Yes, if your decisions are rushed, you give the impression of being affected by, rather than affecting.
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