Preparing an annual evaluation

The annual evaluation interview is considered by numerous managers as a managerial action that sets the tone for the year to come. Nonetheless the preparations for it, perceived as time-consuming, sometimes succumb to the weight of other operational priorities.

Include the co-worker in preparing for the interview
The annual evaluation is a co-construction: the co-worker draws up and formulates his own appraisal of the year gone by, suggests avenues for progress, objectives, expresses his wishes for the year to come, etc. This is why his preparation is as essential as that of his manager.
It is sometimes important to remind him, or even to verify a few days beforehand that he has worked on the key points of the interview.       
Gather useful information
Certain information is indispensable for preparing the interview:
- Materials / conclusions from the past year, to refresh your view of the principal objectives and comments
- Notes taken over the course of the year during follow-up meetings (otherwise, we tend to bring up remarks and examples only from the past few weeks!)
- If applicable, reasons for not completing requested training, for movement or for lack of movement within the company. Information to collect from Human Resources.       
Base your reflections on a check-list of key and/or unusual questions       
From one year to another, to break out of the usual strict framework, it may be helpful to ask yourself new questions or to push further on those proposed by the enterprise's materials for the interview.
For example: "What is the quality that I appreciate most in my co-worker, that I haven't spoken to him about before? How can we highlight the work that he's done? How can we make our collaboration even more productive? ..."
A checklist of questions is provided in the Coach's Corner below.       
Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!
1 / 3   Is preparation that important?
You communicated the date of the meeting to your co-worker two weeks ago, and gave him the documents that he would need for his preparation. You realize at the start of the meeting that he has not prepared for it. "There's no point in doing that," he tells you. How do you respond?
Yes there's a point. It allows us to have a real exchange because you also will have things to say and questions to ask.
You are right, but before arguing your position, it is better to find out the reasons for his reluctance.
What makes you say that "there's no point" in preparing?
An essential question to identify the nature of his reluctance.
You could have told me that when I gave you the documents for your preparation.
There's no use in going back over the past, and this remark will be taken as a reproach.
2 / 3   A new team member
You need to conduct the annual meeting with a new co-worker who arrived on your team 3 months ago. How do you prepare for this exchange?

You retrieve his recruitment dossier along with your notes taken during your activity reviews, prepare an assessment and objectives for him.
Yes, an assessment is essential, even for a newly arrived co-worker.
3 months isn't enough to evaluate his contributions. You prepare objectives for him but will wait until the next meeting to assess his work.
Establishing objectives is essential, but making an assessment of the previous period is as well.
You do not prepare anything in particular and let your co-worker report on his entry into his new position.
Watch out for complete improvisation, which will necessarily lack a clear organizing framework and may take on the tone of a friendly conversation.
3 / 3   How to bring up his behavior?
You would like to tell Eliot that his co-workers complain of his "grumpiness". What approach do you take?
You collect together some emails on this subject, to show him that it's a shared view.
Not likely to create a positive effect! Eliot may feel "under attack" and will defend himself.
You prepare some questions to start an exchange on how he perceives the team, and how he perceives himself. You are also ready formulate a brief and objective statement of the facts that you find problematic.
Yes, inviting self-reflection will allow you first to understand Eliot's point of view. You will likewise have thought about how to present your remark about his behavior.
This criteria is not listed in the interview protocol, so you don't bring it up.
Sometimes it is necessary to go beyond the interview protocol: by pointing out a dysfunction, you are helping Eliot to develop.
Your score is
You finished!
To review the questions and responses, please choose from the list below.