Communicate effectively by email: an invitation to action

How many emails do you receive every day? Too many to read and treat correctly. And yet we know this; for emails to fulfill their mission of information or 'for action' it's better to respect some simple, but often forgotten, rules!
Give the email an objective
An email that we write has an objective, which is also ours: inform? Obtain a reply? Provoke an action? Clearly defining this objective means that the expected response is clear: asking a question which calls for a reply, gives a delay, requests something … Very often, we complain that there is no answer. But this is because we haven't asked for one clearly!       
One subject at a time
Emails with multiple subjects are often only partially dealt with. It's much easier to avoid several questions that are mixed up than one well asked question. So it's often more effective to choose THE key point to be communicated or THE request that needs an answer.
A simple exercise: reread your email before sending it and ask yourself: what does the receiver already know? What is really important? Does the receiver know exactly what I want from him? You will probably be able to eliminate 30 to 50% of your initial message.       
3 questions.
Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!
1 / 3   An unhappy client
You want to inform your team about the dissatisfaction of a client who has sent you a long email of complaints due to non respect of the procedure. What do you do?
You simply forward the email
A little abrupt and imprecise. It would be better to accompany it with a comment and a clear request.
You forward the email with the comment: Eric L is furious. “What’s gone on? »
The message is one of blame. A discussion on what happened would be more effective.
You send the team an invitation with the following message: “Eric L has informed me of a complaint. I’d like to discuss it with you later, from 17:00 to 17:30 “
Yes, pointless forwarding an important email without the possibility of a discussion.
You call one of the members of the team, to try to find a solution.
If the complaint concerns the whole team, best involve everyone and work collectively.
2 / 3   How can I be read?
If you had to remember just one rule for writing an email that will be read, which one would you choose?
Give our interlocutors the details they may need.
Better to communicate simply what is essential and reply to their questions about details verbally.
Write to 2 or 3 recipients, that way at least one of them will reply.
On the contrary, it is better to send to just one person. That person will be more committed and won’t count on the others to reply
If any words can be deleted; delete them.
Yes, be as concise as possible.
Get rid of the salutations and closing formulas which burden the emails
"Hello, thank you or regards" don’t burden the email; they give a note of courtesy/conviviality, necessary for good relations.
3 / 3   Criticism by email
Eric, one of your colleagues, sends you an email, with 7 other people copied, in which he suggests that you haven’t dealt with a problem quickly enough. What do you reply to this?
I replied in time and conveyed all the necessary information. The ball’s no longer in my court.
You are justifying yourself and not solving the problem.
Can I call you this afternoon or tomorrow to discuss matters?
Yes, responding to his attack by email will only escalate things, and the 7 people copied will be witnesses. Best discuss with him face to face.
I did all I had to do on my side. What was next was your responsibility.
Counterattacking by email in front of witnesses is a very bad idea!
You let things calm down by not replying.
Not sure silence will calm things with Eric! and those copied won’t know if you are dealing with the situation.
Your score is
You finished!
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