Boosting the team’s motivation

A team's energy, and its focus on the objectives to be reached, naturally fluctuate and are subject to multiple influences. Hence the vigilance that a manager must maintain in order to identify warning signs early on, and intervene to renew the team's motivation.
Speak of fatigue without accusation
You should avoid accusing people of a lack of motivation. The team may be discouraged, weary, anxious, or simply needing a break. Calling them demotivated is equivalent to saying that they lack interest and engagement -- and if this is the case, then these are more likely to be results than causes.       
Get difficulties and discouragements into the open
If you want to get something back on track, it helps to understand what's derailing it. Having each person formulate what blocks him or holds him back (without seeking to justify yourself or to respond immediately) allows possible grievances and frustrations to be put into the open: a first step towards then finding how to change the situation.       
Present an initial step forward
A manager does not have the solution to every problem, right away and all by himself! Likewise, looking at dysfunctions and hearing people's difficulties does not require you immediately to respond. The most important thing: take the points raised by the team truly into consideration, and then propose a first initiative to move forward. An initial step, simple and realistic, which emphasizes that we are going to act, even if we do not yet know the solution.       
Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!
1 / 3   Motivation and salary increases
Some collaborators regularly comment “How do you expect us to be motivated, when there is no pay rise?” What do you do?
Nothing. They are right, and you have nothing to say to their arguments.
Their being right doesn’t prevent you from reacting to their comments.
You bring up the subject during a meeting: I regularly hear that you are no longer motivated because you’ve had no pay rise, and I’d like us to have an open discussion.
Yes, you get straight to the point, and show that you are ready to discuss a potentially divisive subject.
You reply to the next comment: “Is money all that you’re interested in?”
Defensive reply, which will only fan the flames and won’t get you anywhere.
You identify the collaborator who complains most often and say to him: “You know very well that in its current situation the company cannot increase salaries. Why are you always bringing up the subject?”
Little chance of calming the tension, and if the gripes are coming from several collaborators, best address the situation with the whole team.
2 / 3   Exasperated!
Alfredo, one of your most talented collaborators tells you: “The projects are not moving forward. It’s really starting to get me down”. How do you reply to him?
We shouldn’t generalise, certain projects are moving forward.
You’re playing down the situation, Alfredo will continue: “Yes but…”
It’s true that we’re not advancing as quickly as expected, but aren’t you being a bit impatient?
Pointless! Even if you are right, the problem is not Alfredo’s impatience, but his being discouraged.
Do you have any solutions that would get things moving quicker?
Premature. First, Alfredo wants to get things off his chest. Finding solutions will come when he knows that you are on his side.
I understand that you find the rhythm of advancement discouraging. What is getting you down most?
You show that you have heard the message and encourage Alfredo to explain his thoughts. You can then see together what can be done.
3 / 3   More visibility
During a team meeting Louis remarks: “All this is discouraging, we move forward, then we move back, and in the end, we don’t know where we’re going!” What do you do?
You reassure him “Yes, but we always learn from whatever we do. It’s never a waste of time.”
You are downplaying Louis 'remarks. He will need to double his efforts to convince you that things are not right.
You thank Louis for having clearly expressed his opinion, and ask the rest of the team “Do you all share the same opinion?”
It’s a good way of picking up on Louis’ S.O.S. You need everyone’s opinion before giving a reply.
You ask the question: “What’s getting you down?”
Asking a question is a good idea, but Louis has already, in part, answered the question; besides, you have to address the whole team.
You continue the meeting without looking into Louis’ comment. It is probably a provocation that would be best ignored.
You give the impression of not wanting to deal with a delicate topic. Louis and other collaborators will probably keep insisting until you finally listen.
Your score is
You finished!
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