Saying what's right

"I get no recognition for my work", "my manager doesn’t pay attention to what I do "… What manager hasn’t been criticized for his lack of recognition of his team members’ contributions? Everyone sees it as an essential factor of satisfaction, motivation. But between thinking about recognition and actually acting on it there are quite a lot of hurdles that need to be jumped. Being positive … because you feel better when you say it!
Above all and quite simply : look
Pay attention to what is done and how it is done.
•what resources has a team member used to do something well?
•what was 'remarkable' or extraordinary?
•how has this benefited the company, the team?
It's not a question of thanking or congratulating someone for any old job done! The action would lose its meaning and would be seen as flattery.
Show that you have seen
But say clearly, in a few words what you have seen: "Thanks to your action X was quickly solved …". Point out, name the skills, talents, qualities are all ways of showing a team member that they have been identified individually.
Encourage exchange
Get the team member to explain how they did it, allow them to analyze their performance: "what difficulties did you encounter? What lessons have you learned from …?" Speaking about what went well is as instructive as speaking about what went wrong!
Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!
1 / 3   Communicating on progress
Lea has made real progress in producing her reporting. What do you do?
You prefer not to say anything to her for the time being.
This progress may just be temporary.
Pity! Letting her know that you have seen progress would be a sign of interest and would encourage her.
You compliment her:
"Well done, you've done better than usual, you're getting there."
The compliment is a bit precipitated, unsubstantiated and clumsy: "Better than usual" does not say what is well done.
You encourage her: "Well done, you have progressed and I'm sure you can do even better"
It would be more of an encouragement to tell her she had done well without adding she could do better!"
You show her you have noticed the progress: "Your reporting is, at the same time, precise, complete and you have developed the different tasks undertaken very well. How do you feel about this?"
Your feedback is positive and well-argued. The question allows us to engage in a dialogue on how Léa sees things, the eventual difficulties overcome, etc.
2 / 3   An objective is reached

François has reached an objective that you set him.
How do you start the discussion?
Your objective is reached but I get the impression you spent a lot of time on it. Perhaps to the detriment of other missions...
To be avoided! An objective is either reached or not. If it is, then we acknowledge the achievement without playing it down.
You have, indeed, reached the objective, bravo, you’ve done really well!
How could you have done better?
The question could be taken badly. It undermines the achievement of the collaborator and sounds like “you could do better”.
You have, indeed, achieved this objective.You’ve done very well, because it was a big ask. What is significant for you in this achievement?
This question will give the collaborator a lift and allow him to share his experience. It shows the interest you have in his achievements.
Yes, indeed, you have achieved this objective; however, the one after seemed to be more difficult for you. 
You move on from the achievement too quickly and give the collaborator the impression that you are only focused on the negative.
3 / 3   Positive feedback
One of your college's key interlocutors sends you an email expressing her satisfaction due to the fact that Sophie was able de resolve a delicate problem very professionally. What do you do?
You transfer the email to Sophie and congratulate her.
OK but it’s the bare minimun. There are more notable things you could do.
You send an email to your direct superior while copying Sophie and go congratulate her in person.
An approach which highlights your interest and willingness to give recognition to Sophie, within the company.
You announce the news during your monthly briefing.
Why wait? The feat is significant enough to be announced straight away.
You talk about it when you have a chance but don’t want to make too much of it because she might ask for another pay rise.
This is a bad argument! Ignoring the quality of her work is not a solution.
Dissociate feedback and financial reward by remembering that, if need be, not being able to guarantee a pay rise, doesn’t prevent you from praising someone.

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