Deciding at the risk of displeasing

To decide, from the Latin dēcīdere, derives from dē ("down from") and caedō ("to cut"). At first glance not very promising for those who seek to unify and to conciliate. However to decide is also to prompt new movement...
Look at all the options (really!) to be considered
A initial danger: falling into the trap of oversight! We have a clear preference for one of the solutions so we barely look at the others, leaving us incapable of justifying our decision, which will appear like a fiat. It is also this analysis of rejected options that helps us to make a decision because we feel more legitimate in the choice made.
"One sentence and only one" to announce the decision
A second danger: believing that we soften the announcement of a decision with oratory precautions. Quite to the contrary, the principle of "one sentence and only one" is more respectful of interlocutors who will soon be disappointed. Moreover, it is only when the decision has been communicated that the real exchange can begin.       
React in the face of disappointment and discontent
That which sometimes prevents us from making a decision: the fear of what comes after! How not to upset your interlocutors? How to react if conflict breaks out? ... These fears are legitimate, but a catastrophic outcome is not inevitable. The first thing is to receive these reactions, to take them into account (the worst would be to ignore or to minimize them): What is most disappointing to my co-worker? Does he understand the decision? If not, what information is he missing? Does he think that impartiality is lacking, and if so why?... For generally, it is not the decision that is a problem so much as lack of consideration toward those upset by it!

Each question has only one correct response, but be careful: among the possible responses there is one that is "almost correct" and might make the choice harder!

1 / 3   A delicate announcement
You have decided to stop a project which most of the team wishes to see through. How do you announce this?
I’ve studied the different options for a long time. The first one offers certain advantages, but the risk is that we continue being behind schedule for several more months. The second one...
Too long — at this stage, it’s your conclusion that the team is interested in.
I’ve chosen the option to stop the project. I know that you will not all be in agreement with my decision.
Yes, you announce your decision clearly while showing that you are aware of disagreement. The team will respond and you will offer an explanation.
Most of you wish to continue this project. The problem is that we’re so far behind schedule that we’re not sure we’ll be able to catch up. I’m afraid that it turned out to be a bad idea.
You beat around the bush without really announcing your decision.
I’ve decided to stop the project. I know that some of you are not in agreement, but I’m sticking with my decision.
You start defending yourself before there is even an attack, and by doing so may actually provoke one. 
2 / 3   A helpful question
You’re unable to make a decision because every solution you’ve found has its downsides. Which question might help you?
Which option would be the most beneficial for me?
That’s exactly what you don’t know how to identify.
Among the different downsides, which one can we handle the best?
Yes, the question may allow you to visualize the possible difficulties and to identify which ones you could accept.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each solution?
You could make a list of them, but that might not be sufficient.
How can we be sure to make the right decision?
You can never be sure!
3 / 3   Everyone on holidays at the same time
3 of your co-workers want to schedule time off during the same period, but 1 of them needs to stay to maintain staffing. They can’t reach agreement among themselves, so what do you tell them?
I’ll give you until tomorrow to come to agreement among yourselves; I don’t want to decide for you.
The problem is likely just to be put off for a day.
I’ll need to decide by drawing straws.
Yes, this is one way to decide. If you have objective criteria that allow you to avoid choosing at random, it would of course be even more legitimate.
In that case, each of you will take 1/3 of the period. 
You risk making 3 people unhappy, instead of just one! But it is nevertheless an option.
I’ll need to have the Human Resources Department step in to help you find a solution.
You make it look like you want to unload the problem onto someone else.
Your score is
You finished!
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